Kuchi is primarily an oil painter working mainly in the tradition of classical portraiture with a particular interest in the genre of the ‘tronie’. Kuchi is most well known for her series of works portraying the ‘Girl in a Turban’. This series began around 2012 based on images modelled by her niece and has evolved over the years to become focused on the universal and mysterious appeal of the ‘youthful face adorned with fabric’. The principal aim of these works is to convey a sense of timelessness and serenity in the midst of a chaotic world.

GIRL IN A GYPSY HEADSCARF, oil on panel, 36 x 28 cm

PORTRAIT OF STONE SKULL, oil on panel, 18 x 13 cm

GIRL IN A PINK TURBAN, oil on panel, 36 x 28 cm

PORTRAIT OF TURQUOISE SKULL, oil on panel, 18 x 13 cm

A STILL LIFE FOR THE ANCESTORS, oil on panel, 40 x 30 cm

WOMAN BORN OF FLOWERS: BLODEUWEDD, oil on linen, 99 x 71 cm

GIRL IN A BLUE KIMONO, oil on panel, 23 x 30 cm

THE EGYPTIAN GIRL, oil on panel, 25 x 20 cm